Things you can do

Reduce My Waste

Did you know every year Australians each toss out 23 kgs of clothes that end up in landfill?

Actions you can do right away

  • Don’t use single use plastic. Get yourself a reusable water bottle, a keep cup, and a metal straw!

  • Do a garbage audit before bin night and see what you are throwing away and consider when shopping

  • Recycle those hard to dispose of plastics like blister packs and coffee pods by sending them off to BRAD

Actions that take some planning

  • Get your takeout in a reusable container and invite your family and friends to do the same

  • Contact your local council to get help with your composting including ordering a composting bin

  • Be inspired by Hannah Maloney and build your very own worm farm! Hannah tells you how in this tutorial

Community Action

Take Part in the CVA SeaToSource Plastic Waste Challenge!

This Plastic Free July you and your family can help reduce plastic in the ocean! The CVA SeaToSource Plastic Waste Challenge invites every Australian household to play a part in protecting our ocean. Download the CVA app to conduct your home plastic audit and find a range of events near you.

Each year, around 13 million tons of plastic ends up in the ocean, most of which is carried to the sea by rivers. Plastic pollution impacts the health of marine species and ecosystems, food safety, human health, tourism, fisheries, aquaculture, and other industries. It’s estimated that there are about 50-75 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean, which forms giant plastic patches in the ocean, sinks to the ocean floor, and washes up along the coast.

In Australia alone, we consume 3.8 million tonnes of plastic annually, a figure three times the global average. That means we need to work especially hard at tackling plastic pollution and find solutions.

Be part of the plastic waste solution by helping to reduce plastic consumption and clean up beaches and coastlines. Check out this kid-friendly video to explain how the SeaToSource Plastic Waste Challenge works!